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Includes titles which are appealing to high school students. Goodreads is the best place to talk about your last great read --- and find your next one.
TasteDive (formerly TasteKid) helps you discover new music, movies, TV shows, books, authors, games, podcasts, and people with shared interests.
As a visitor, you can get instant suggestions using our recommendation engine. You can also hang around a bit longer, create a taste profile, discover interesting people, and learn about cool bands, movies, books or games from their profiles. |
Find your next book to read – just like the one you recently finished! This website offers personalised recommendations of books similar to popular titles. Whether you’re looking for fantasy, romance, classics, thrillers or non-fiction – they’ve got you covered!
For help selecting your next book, try NoveList. See Google Sheet for the login to EBSCO's Novelist when you are working remotely.
If you simply want a quick recommendation, you only need to enter one book; click on the best match in the list that appears as you type and you will get some recommendations. The best thing to do, though, is enter a list of favorites. This will give you more focused recommendations, as well as helping to build the database and share your taste with other users of the site.
If you enter your email address, your list of favorites will be remembered next time you visit, so you can then add new titles, create more lists, and get even more appropriate recommendations. |